Avaya Phone says ReplaceSysBat W/Power On

ReplaceSysBat W/Power On

Are you getting a message on your Avaya Phone, indicating you should change its Phone Battery?  Learn about the Avaya message display:

Avaya Phone says ReplaceSysBat W/Power On

Curious about the message ‘ReplaceSysBat W/Power On’ on your Avaya Phone? Uncover the meaning and learn step-by-step instructions to fix low system battery issues while keeping the power on. Explore more now!

Avaya Phone Says Replace battery

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“ReplaceSysBat W/Power On”

If you encounter the message “ReplaceSysBat W/Power On” on your Avaya Phone, particularly on extension 10 or 11, you might be wondering what it means and what actions to take. This message indicates that the system batteries in your Avaya Phone are running low. These batteries are crucial for retaining your system’s programming. Unlike modern devices with FLASH memory, systems from this era depended on two AAA batteries to maintain system settings via an electric charge.

Steps to Resolve

  1. Locate the Avaya Processor: The processor may appear as a tan box or a group of tan boxes labeled “Avaya.” In some cases, you may see units with their master cover on, which resemble bulky boxes. Remove the master cover to reveal the smaller tan boxes inside.
  2. Obtain 2 alkaline AA batteries: These are used to replace the existing AAA batteries.
  3. Look for the battery compartment: On the lower part of the Avaya processor module’s face (or the center unit in a group of boxes), there is a door. It is typically located at the bottom corner or edge. Press and pull the door to expose the battery holder, then replace the 2 AAA batteries.
  4. Important note: After replacing the batteries, avoid unplugging or power cycling the processor unless advised. Powering off these systems without necessity is discouraged. Think of the system like an older human—major operations are risky. The Avaya system, like many legacy systems, may be nearing the end of its lifespan. Line Phone Systems are a viable modern alternative that work similarly to Avaya.

Avaya made a very popular phone system often referred to as the 18D Phone System, or the 34D Phone System powered by the Avaya 18D Phones or Avaya 34D Phones.  This system was the Avaya Partner.  I robust and yet easy to use Multi-Line Business Phone for businesses.

This information is relevant to the Avaya 18D Phone and Avaya 34D Phone with the message “ReplaceSysBat W/Power On.”

34D Phone ReplaceSysBat W/Power On

18D Phone ReplaceSysBat W/Power On

Avaya Phone System Repair

Avaya has been providing Line Phone Systems to businesses nationally for decades. To learn more, visit Avaya Sales & Service.

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